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Dressmaker @ Buffalo bar in Islington July 25, 2014
A friend back home asked me recently if I wouldn't mind taking some pictures of a band he fancied who were playing live at the Buffalo bar in Islington and maybe write a couple of words for his music blog and so I did, at least sort of...

Basically while waiting for them to come on stage I was pleasantly surprised by a bunch of pretty loud young lads playing right before what sounded to me as full-on Goth Rock with some over powered guitars on an electro background and some drums which sent me straight back to my hardcore punk days..
Lads' band name is Dressmaker and consists of a multi culti mix from Spain, France, the UK and the US based currently in London.

The energy coming out of them was stunning, very impressive and powerful vocals from a super passionate dude (ending up dancing within the crowd), melodies coming out of guitar and base were beautiful and the drummer... (enough said about this maniac was the rest of the group's view hehe.)



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